The audio and music video portion curates outstanding Australian music artists, traversing genres from Doom Metal, Gothic Ethereal, Neo Folk, to Darkwave – Dandelion Wine, Pathogen, Temujin, The Eternal, Empyrean, 4th Wall, Frankenbok, Opera Macabre, Virgin Black, Wendy Rule, and Talie Helene.
Featuring short and nasty stories by the best dark fiction writers from Australia and around the world – Stephen Dedman, Kaaron Warren, Richard Harland, Robert Hood, Rick Kennett, Paul Haines, Will Elliott, Martin Livings, Trent Jamieson, Dirk Flinthart, Lee Battersby, Lyn Battersby, Mikal Trimm, Kurt Newton, Nathan Burrage, Jay Caselberg, Kirstyn McDermott, Gary Kemble, Peter M. Ball, Alan Frackleton… just take your pick! Each story is lavishly presented.
The anthology collects work by excellent dark fantasy artists – Andrew J. McKiernan, Brian Smith, Adam Duncan, John Banitsiotis, Peter Schwartz, and Emily Steigerwald, as well as a graphic novel by Bryn Sparks.