The Year's Best Australian Fantasy and Horror 2014
Edited by Liz Grzyb (fantasy) and Talie Helene (horror).
The fifth annual compilation; over 150,000 words of fiction from some of the genre's best and most awarded writers, together with an annual genre overview and recommended reading list. This is both a book to be read and a valuable reference work. This volume collects twenty eight compelling stories from the finest antipodean writers of fantasy and horror.
- Alan Baxter, Shadows of the Lonely Dead', Suspended in Dusk
- James Bradley, 'The Changeling', Fearsome Magics
- Imogen Cassidy, 'Soul Partner', Aurealis 74
- David Conyers & David Kernot, 'The Bullet & The Flesh', World War Cthulhu
- Terry Dowling, 'The Corpse Rose', Nightmare Carnival
- Thoraiya Dyer, 'The Oud', Long Hidden Anthology
- Jason Franks, 'Metempsychosis', SQ Mag
- Michelle Goldsmith, 'Of Gold and Dust', Andromeda Spaceways Inflight Magazine 60
- Michael Grey, '1884', Cthulhu Lives: An Eldrich Tribute to H.P.Lovecraft
- Stephanie Gunn, 'Escapement', Kisses by Clockwork
- Lisa L. Hannett & Angela Slatter, 'Vox', The Female Factory
- Gerry Huntman, Of The Colour Tumeric, Climbing on Fingertips', Night Terrors III
- Rick Kennett, 'Dolls for Another Day', The Ghosts & Scholars Book of Shadows: Vol 2
- Charlotte Kieft, 'Chiaroscuro', Disquiet
- SG Larner, 'Kneaded', Phantazein
- Claire McKenna, 'Yard', Use Only As Directed
- Andrew J. McKiernan, 'A Prayer for Lazarus', Last Year, When We Were Young
- Faith Mudge, 'Signature', Kaleidoscope: Diverse YA Science Fi
- Jason Nahrung, 'The Preservation Society', Dimension6
- Emma Osborne, 'The Box Wife', Shock Totem: Curious Tales of the Macabre & Twisted #9
- Angela Rega, 'Shedding Skin', Crossed Genres
- Tansy Rayner Roberts, 'The Love Letters of Swans', Phantazein
- Angela Slatter, 'The Badger Bride', Strange Tales IV
- Cat Sparks, 'New Chronicles of Andras Thorn', Dimension6 Annual Collection 2014
- Anna Tambour, 'The Walking-Stick Forest', Tor.com
- Kyla Ward, 'Necromancy', Spectral Realms #1
- Kaaron Warren, 'Bridge of Sighs', Fearful Symmetries: An Anthology of Horror
- Janeen Webb, 'Lady of the Swamp', Death at the Blue Elephant
In addition to the above incredible tales, the volume will include a review of 2014 and a list of highly recommended stories. The anthology will be available in hardcover, ebook and trade editions.