The Year's Best Australian Fantasy and Horror 2013
Edited by Liz Grzyb (fantasy) and Talie Helene (horror).
The fourth annual compilation; over 150,000 words of fiction from some of the genre's best and most awarded writers, together with an annual genre overview and recommended reading list. This is both a book to be read and a valuable reference work. This volume collects twenty eight compelling stories from the finest antipodean writers of fantasy and horror.
- Lee Battersby - 'Disciple of the Torrent' Tales of Australia: Great Southern Land
- Deborah Biancotti - 'All the Lost Ones' Exotic Gothic 5 Vol I
- Trudi Canavan - 'Camp Follower' Fearsome Journeys
- Robert Cook - 'Glasskin' Review of Australian Fiction Vol 5 #6
- Rowena Cory Daniells - 'The Ways of the Wyrding Women' One Small Step
- Terry Dowling - 'The Sleepover' Exotic Gothic 5 Vol II
- Thoraiya Dyer - 'After Hours' Asymmetry
- Marion Halligan - 'A Castle in Toorak' Griffith Review #42
- Dmetri Kakmi - 'The Boy by the Gate' The New Gothic
- David Kernot - 'Harry's Dead Poodle' Cover of Darkness Magazine
- Margo Lanagan - 'Black Swan Event' Griffith Review #42
- S. G. Larner - 'Poppies' Aurealis #65
- Martin Livings - 'La Mort d'un Roturer' This is How You Die
- Kirstyn McDermott - 'Caution: Contains Small Parts' Caution: Contains Small Parts
- Claire McKenna - 'The Ninety Two' Next
- C.S. McMullen - 'The Nest' Nightmare Magazine
- Juliet Marillier - 'By Bone-Light' Prickle Moon
- David Thomas Moore - 'Old Souls' The Book of the Dead
- Faith Mudge - 'The Oblivion Box - Dreaming of Djinn
- Ryan O'Neill - 'Sticks and Stones' The Great Unknown
- Angela Rega - 'Almost Beautiful' Next
- Tansy Rayner Roberts - 'The Raven and Her Victory' Where Thy Dark Eye Glances: Queering Edgar Allan Poe
- Nicky Rowlands - 'On the Wall' Next
- Carol Ryles - 'The Silence of Clockwork' Conflux 9 Convention Programme
- Angela Slatter - 'Flight' Once Upon a Time: New Fairy Tales
- Anna Tambour - 'Bowfin Island' Caledonia Dreamin'
- Kaaron Warren - 'Born and Bread' Once Upon a Time: New Fairy Tales
- Janeen Webb - 'Hell is Where the Heart is' Next